AAMC is a 501(c)3 charitable organization     Our tax-exempt number is 01-0590995

We Speak for Those Who Have No Voice

Our adoption donation fee is $80.00 for cats and kittens which includes first vaccines, spay/neuter and a one year rabies vaccine. When we have dogs and puppies, the adoption donation fee will be $100.00 which includes first vaccines, spay/neuter and a one year rabies vaccine.

Please understand that this contribution does not cover the total cost of the services rendered. AAMC believes it is important to spay/neuter animals and does not want money to be a deterrent to this critical service. Please consider any additional contribution you deem appropriate.

Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2214.  The license is not an endorsement by the State.

Support from Moore County Unrestricted Endowment Fund, a compound fund of the North Carolina Community Foundation.

Jan 1st thru 31st   2025 -  Cats in Residence, PetSmart, Aberdeen, NC

vase donation new large.pdf Submit

JLK Jewelry

We also have a few of our furry felines located at the kitten around cat lounge in Carthage, NC.

Valentines 2025.pdf